Sell your vehicle for cash or donate it to charity!
- Sell Your Car
- Donate Your Car
We'll take cars in any condition. For most cars, we currently pay $50 and up. Late model, good condition, running, or high demand vehicles may be worth more.
Towing fees are calculated into the bid we send you. If you would like to drop the car off, please indicate that on the form.
We are currently set up to take donations for Jefferson County School District #251 Education Foundation. The donation can go to the general fund, or you can specify which school, program, or even classroom the funds go to. Donation value is Fair Market Value for your vehicle. Qualifying tax-exempt organizations may recieve donations, contact to get added to our list.
If you are donating for a tax deduction, check the guidelines here to make sure you get the deduction you deserve.
Fill out the form to see what your vehicle would be worth as a donation.